  1. There are 5 entries to perform visualization and analysis for cell state transitions with CSTEA:

    Browse: users can view the general information of collected datasets and obtain analysis entry to each dataset.

    ProcessQuery: users can specify a transition between a pair of cell types to view the genes that play potential important roles, the trajectory of gene expression changes, and the patterns of gene expression during the transition.

    GeneQuery: users can view gene expression profiles during any specified transition.

    SignatureQuery: user can submit a gene list obtained from their own studies not only to predict the candidate transitions involving the queried genes, but also functions and gene expression profiles of the queried genes in the candidate datasets from previously studies.

    CustomData: users can upload their custom time-series gene expression data to obtain the genes that play potential important roles, the trajectory of gene expression changes, and the patterns of gene expression during the transition represented by the user-uploaded data. In addition, user can compare the uploaded data with datasets from previously studies.
